From a Facebook post dated Tuesday, August 6, 2013:
We are the Vallejo Odd Fellows of San Pablo Lodge #43 in the heart of downtown Vallejo. Our lodge has been an integral part of this community for 160 years.
Vallejo grew up around our lodge–the fate of this city and our lodge have always been intertwined. Since the Naval base closure in 1996 and the Great Recession, both our city and our Lodge have fallen on hard times.
We have a plan to change that.
A group of Odd Fellows, artists, and community members have come together to create an art center right at the heart of downtown Vallejo in the long-empty storefront of the Odd Fellows lodge. Traditionally, Odd Fellows lodges support their community service work by renting out the ground floor retail space of their lodges in the booming center of the towns they serve. This model worked for the Vallejo lodge for nearly 150 years but since the 1990’s, downtown Vallejo has slowly turned into a near-ghost town, with empty storefronts lining what was once the booming main street of Vallejo. We need to bring business and life back to downtown.
Find out what’s happening at The Hub today at